Contact / Sales force

Are you the owner of a pet store, pharmacy, veterinary practice or dog grooming salon and would like to get in touch with the sales representative responsible for you? Then please contact our employees according to your postal code (zip code).

Postal code area: 01-09999, 10-19999

Ingo Metz
Area Sales Manager

0176 - 10 39 85 84

Postal code area: 20-29999, 30-34999, 37-39999

Daniel Pohl
Area Sales Manager

0176 - 10 39 85 83

Postal code area: 40-49999, 50-53999, 56-59999

Karsten Rohde
Area Sales Manager

0176 - 17 89 63 00

Postal code area: 20-59999 (Agravis und NBB)

Heinz Vöcking
Sales representative

0160 - 800 33 15

Postal code area: 35-36999, 54-55999, 60-69999, 70-79999, 88-89999

Marco Becker
Area Sales Manager

0176 - 17 89 64 26

Postal code area: 80-87999, 90-99999

Stephen Ramella
Area Sales Manager

0176 - 10 42 42 21

Breeder service nationwide

Markus Lantermann
Breeder service nationwide

0170 - 4712142